Three years ago tonight I was sitting in a room in Northside Hospital having an anxiety attack. I was lying on a couch with my wife and newborn son sleeping soundly in a bed just a few inches away. Even though I had barely slept myself in the last 48 hours, my mind raced with wild and panicked thoughts: Will I be able to support a family financially? Will I be a good father? What do I know about taking care of a baby? Will I be a good role model?
I psyched myself into a frenzied panic, and I came close to calling a nurse that night to bring me a paper bag and some Xanax. All I knew at that moment was that my life had just changed forever.
Flash forward three years and the anxiety and panic is nowhere in sight. Today I'm sitting in our living room playing "Iron Man vs Captain America" with Ridge and I couldn't be happier. The last three years have flown by and Ridge has been a blessing in my life. I love being a father more than any other accomplishment in my life. Of course I still hope and pray I'm doing it right. (There aren't a lot of instruction manuals out there.)
I love you buddy. Happy Birthday.
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