Thursday, August 6, 2009

Weight-Challenged Nurses

Okay this is just an observation: Why are the majority of hospital nurses overweight and out of shape? I mean they work in a hospital for Pete's Sake. They see the damaging affects of obesity and lack of exercise every day. You'd think they'd take better care of themselves. 

Not judging, just an observation.


  1. Just checking in. On your facebook page, the ad to the left was for the brand new 2009 breastpump. Just thought that was kind of funny! How is Danielle progressing?

  2. Most of them work such unGodly hours that the gym and investing time in a nutritious meal are out the window. Grab a bagel or danish on your way out the door. My mom was a nurse for years and worked 11pm-11am. She would come home, sleep, have a quick lunch before she started getting ready again.
    Nurses spend too much time taking care of others to take care of themselves. Its not a good excuse, but it most cases its the truth.
